Sunday, March 14, 2010


This week will be packed full of stuff that must be watchdoged. There will be multiple executive Sessions before Wednesday, and Wednesday is Rule 10 day which means all bills need to be voted on. Then there can be another hearing on some if necessary but most will be then put to rest in study or debated on the floor. So please if your watching plan to spend Monday and Tuesday at the Statehouse. You can even pick up a Statehouse News Bulletin both days outside their office that will give you the room numbers of Executive Sessions.

I have a very serious bill S1458 that I have no idea if it was exec'd out yet. If you would like to call the State Administration and Regulatory Oversight Committee and ask that they decide favorable to that one I would be so grateful. Also, that bill will be a way to support my cause which is to have Independant Media Identified equally with the National Press outlets.

The Transgender bill will be exec'd out also on Tuesday and the Health Care bill will be acted on soon in Washington so if you are going to comment you need to call now. This week is critical.
Easter, Passover are almost upon us and the decisions in the Heavenlies are going to be watching our reactions to these bills you can be sure. Although America has a dream to save the world America is forcing it's will on the world in many ways. America the horny teenager is out of control and with the power of money has attempted to control the norm which has been a norm for hundreds of years. Our money pit has been tinkered with however, and we cannot keep meddling in the world of other dreams and not find ourselves provoking a long over due spank.

This situation is becoming a national problem if we do not act now. Last night I had a dream of the teens in this generation. They were shocking me in their clothes their cross gender shock immoral behavior at school at parties and whatever on the streets. I do not support the situation that is evolving at all. I am a Mom a Grandmother and a lover of kids in general. I abhore the schools getting on the front page with all this. They have been turning a deaf ear blind eye for years to all the immoralities with no consequence and now we have this nightmare on our hands. Selah.

Call and express your opinion. That is what our Republic is about . Free Speech, and freedom to be involved in the decision at the Statehouse or at the polls. It is up to you now. My opinion is known by all. I do my work relentlessly to help the Citizens of Massachusetts have a way to know what is happening on our Capital Hill Beacon Hill. If you do not know about my work you should check my website., on that site I make an attempt with a Reporters Blotter. It is all in chronicle order by dates. Each year has a monthly report and a year end report. This year I attempted to make a full 6 year report that can be copied and pasted for your records. The State is also taping and saving the work on, which can be seen on the Webcast for House. The Senate is taped by WGBH and is not preserved as a record. That should be stopped and my work is shining the light on the subject as I discover the problems I make you know what is happening. You can watch the Session as it is happening but not for a public record. You would need to copy each session to your own vcr or dvd copy.

If you are out there and want to start that on your own let comflm know.,

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