Saturday, December 11, 2010 web news must read

I love, and some of my readers think I am nuts. However, here is a sample of the work this group does to educate YOU to your rights being taken away, by well meaning people. Get over it. Support Net Neutrality dummies!

Will Genachowski Get Needed Net Neutrality Votes?
With the FCC set to vote on Chairman Julius Genachowski's potentially painfully underwhelming new Net Neutrality rules, lobbyists are out in force in D.C. -- working overtime to get commissioners aligned with their thinking. With the agency's Republicans set to likely vote against the rules, all lobbying effort has focused on Commissioners Mignon Clyburn and Michael Copps.
Karl Bode, Broadband Reports
Stakeholders Target Copps on Net Neutrality Lobbying Efforts
In the wake of the FCC's announcement about a December vote on a Net Neutrality order, the bulk of lobbying on the matter has been directed to FCC Commissioner Michael Copps, a review of disclosure documents found.
Eliza Krigman, National Journal
AT&T's Perversion of Free Speech to Control the Internet
Poor AT&T. First, we get the official word courtesy of Consumer Reports that Ma Bell is the planet's worst major wireless carrier. Now we hear the embattled giant is worried its First Amendment rights are about to be violated by those meanies at the FCC.
Bill Snyder, InfoWorld
FCC: Two-Thirds of Net Sub's Connections Aren't Up to Speed
The FCC released its latest Internet Access Report and it concludes that more than two-thirds of the reported Internet access connections were too slow in one or both downstream and upstream measures to qualify as high-speed according to the FCC's benchmark in the FCC's Sixth Broadband Deployment Report.
John Eggerton, Broadcasting & Cable
FCC Ponders Ways to Avoid Cable Blackouts
Seeking to end the brinksmanship that left many cable television customers in the Northeast without access to the first two games of the World Series this year, the FCC will consider changes to the rules governing negotiations between cable providers and broadcast networks.
Edward Wyatt, New York Times
Retrans Reform Fans Call FCC NPRM 'First Step'
Early reaction was generally positive to the news that the FCC would be issuing a rulemaking on retransmission consent, likely within the first quarter of 2011, though fans of reform were calling it a first step and suggesting more work needs to be done.
John Eggerton, Multichannel News
FCC Proposal Draws GOP Fire
FCC Commissioner Michael Copps wants to hold TV broadcasters to higher standards by requiring local programming to pass a test every four years to keep operating on the nation's airwaves. The proposal, has put the media industry on the defensive and caught the eye of Republican lawmakers, who worry that the FCC wants to dictate the content of over-the-air TV programming.
Kim Hart, Politico
Verizon Took $1.5 Billion in Bailout Money
According to new government disclosures reported, Verizon took $1.5 billion in government money during the financial crisis. Verizon's certainly not alone, the government provided help to a large number of companies. But it is interesting in Verizon's case that it has seen billions in tax cuts and various subsidies for obligations they've been able to wiggle around and under.
Karl Bode, Broadband Reports
Fox News Channel Seeking Higher Fees
News Corp. is looking to increase subscriber fees for Fox News Channel in a new round of negotiations with distributors.
Jon Lafayette, Mutlichannel News

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