Hi everyone,
I have not been on this site in awhile due to the confusion Google puts in place. Yes I will blame them. I have multiple sites and when one gets messy it affects the rest like the proverbial domino.
I am now working on my office issues clearing up things that piled up and fell over. I am just doing what I needed 3 office support people to help me with the past 10 years.
It is almost 2015 and my year of resting is upon me. I will be working in office to recruit 350 Massachusetts Reporters. Please consider joining the Independent Press Registry. I know your out there. I just want you to consider how important it is to be recognized as legitimate Press to a dumb world. Yes it is about defining to the unlearned the fact that any person who disseminates information to the public is a Press. Starting with Benjamin Franklin a one man band. Please don't let me stay a one woman band. Join us. Now up to 30? Some not really with new Passes so bear with me.
As I stated originally, this site is for stories of my excursions to Beacon Hill and about town. I am still devoting this site to that. However, due to a new year approaching I want to update you on some essential items brewing in my corner.
I recently was in contact with a Publisher. I stumbled on the site while surfing the net and they called back. I had stated I was not sure I was material for their reputable site but when the guy called back he was shocked that someone had done such a remarkable feat as I have to have covered 500 public hearings alone and still was alive. Oh well, I added that. Almost alive.
So in the process I realized the best package was 6000 and 20percent off would bring that down to 4800 so I am asking for a donation of 10.00 from 500 people who have seen my work and know I am a woman of integrity and will spend my next year putting that together along with my office needs.
If you interested please donate to the cpprarchiveproject as proceeds from the book will be used to pay back my expenses to make this a reality for the past 10 years. I have offered my car up when I realized that was going to be necessary. I then unexpectedly found myself being operated on for cancer. That took 2 years of my life in recovery mode and stalled this work though I still proceeded as I could daily to maintain a continuous flow of effort.
That effort was achieved in being able to access the SJC under rule 119 changes and now even this past week was able to be included in the Press Release for Moakley Court to cover an important case. So we are marching on and the march is going to be a great sell. Please consider blessing me this Christmas with a donation for this book to be written.
As a Senior with a big vision and a lot of mettle I wish you all a wonderful Holiday Season and time with family. The most important thing on earth is your family and being able to be safe in a Country that exceeds them all in Liberty. Please help secure this liberty of the Press and Freedom of Speech by donating to the efforts I attain to.
Thank you sincerely, Janet Aldrich , Founder of CRNewsTeam Massachusetts and the CPPR ARCHIVE Project.
Monday, December 8, 2014
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Pink Slipping the Statehouse in October of 2010 was nothing short of amazing.
I had been on the roll with videotaping that year. Every time I asked the House Broadcast Division, under the Speaker's office Rep. Robert Deleo, if they planned to tape a public hearing, I was met with the response, "we get our orders and sometimes don't know until that day if the hearing will be covered. We are only responsible to tape the General Court Sessions, and they are all consuming. We just don't have staffing, or money to cover all."
I decided to challenge myself with this statement. Not enough staff? Hmm, that seemed like a stretch. So I compounded my capturing and would cover two or more hearings in one day. I was juggling cameras, audio equipment, and running a road runners route across the building to keep all timed without stops.
I was being seen as nothing short of amazing. Eventually, by fall that year I had made my point. It was a deliberate act of subversion to not cover these meetings. I had to run this by the Sec States office once more. I was viewing the calendar on the wall, when it occurred to me, the lighting was terrible, the window too high, and with my camera light I could still not read it .. so I made my way to the office and asked for a response to why I was repeatedly challenged with all the meeting schedules and no one seemed to care. One atty comes out. A second comes out. No they did not have to even post the meeting. Under the lack of a law to oblige them the Committees did not have to hold a meeting, did not have to post a meeting and simply put it was a joke if the meetings were not posted. They were not responsible to do this.
We were screwed. I was shocked. My questioning was over. I stood there aghast. I felt like a piece of tissue paper that had no bones. I could have keeled over. I left furious and alarmed. What was I to do. My mission was accomplished that day. I had done discovery on the Open Meeting Law now for 5 years. Had captured 500 public hearings Press conferences and Events and had my evidentiary facts. No one was going to get anywhere without the law being changed to force them under the public record law.
My entry to the scene of the crime in 2004 was before my face. My stubborn resistance to let them extract me as non essential illegal media was in full display. I would now have to think about how to present this legally and defiantly to the full Legislative Branch. Oh wheels spun out of control that day. I got home on pure steam from the wind beneath my feet. I was livid. I was furious. I was not going to allow this to go on.
I got the idea genius attack. I would give them all a Pink Slip. I would write up objectives that would isolate the innocuous wretched misdeameanors of public scammers. They were definitely not meeting any of the disability milestones in the rooms. Sound Visibility Access Speech with microphones and proper amplification were never working properly. I would use that as my platform. I made up my objectives printed them up on a Pink Slip 8.5x11 and delivered them to every Rep and Senator in the place. On Oct 27 2010 I completed my mission.
On Dec 21 2010 in Peabody, in front of the Dist Court I fell. That fall changed my life. My session on Beacon Hill would stop . I was going to be operated on for 1st stage cancer. This year 2014 I am finally back in my ability to work a normal day. I have never ceased working on this project. I have never ceased pushing my self to the final goal. I have prayed many times about the meaning of this journey. Each time I am assisted in some way. So today I will leave you with a copy of the Pink Slip.
I forgot about that until last week changing banks for the project. I had thrown a bunch of docs in a pile to show the Banker on my efforts. In it was the pink slip. As I explained that I had given the Legislature a Pink Slip in October 2010 and fallen in Dec 2010 and only now was I able to really get back at it I was floored at what I read. Yes, they had met the objectives. Yes they had actually implemented the disability areas I had mentioned including an area for Press in the meeting rooms. I had covered a hearing recently and was not connecting the dots until I saw the pink slip copy I had this day. I had been effective. I had attained some pressure of change.
The only thing left was the public record law implementation on the Legislative Branch.
Please when you call your Reps and Senators, remind them of this. Tell them thank you for the accomplishment of meeting the meeting room objectives. However tell them that the key now is to focus on the integrity of accountability. They need to be under the open meeting law public record law. That will change Beacon Hill to be a Beacon of transparency. That is what we the people want. That is what I went to the hill to discover. That is the light at the end of the dark tunnel.
Help me launch the CPPR Archive Project. A Library resource of public works documents that are accessible to the pubic and historians to examine the works of our governance and improve that as needed with necessary proof in video capturing.
The Pink Slip
I had been on the roll with videotaping that year. Every time I asked the House Broadcast Division, under the Speaker's office Rep. Robert Deleo, if they planned to tape a public hearing, I was met with the response, "we get our orders and sometimes don't know until that day if the hearing will be covered. We are only responsible to tape the General Court Sessions, and they are all consuming. We just don't have staffing, or money to cover all."
I decided to challenge myself with this statement. Not enough staff? Hmm, that seemed like a stretch. So I compounded my capturing and would cover two or more hearings in one day. I was juggling cameras, audio equipment, and running a road runners route across the building to keep all timed without stops.
I was being seen as nothing short of amazing. Eventually, by fall that year I had made my point. It was a deliberate act of subversion to not cover these meetings. I had to run this by the Sec States office once more. I was viewing the calendar on the wall, when it occurred to me, the lighting was terrible, the window too high, and with my camera light I could still not read it .. so I made my way to the office and asked for a response to why I was repeatedly challenged with all the meeting schedules and no one seemed to care. One atty comes out. A second comes out. No they did not have to even post the meeting. Under the lack of a law to oblige them the Committees did not have to hold a meeting, did not have to post a meeting and simply put it was a joke if the meetings were not posted. They were not responsible to do this.
We were screwed. I was shocked. My questioning was over. I stood there aghast. I felt like a piece of tissue paper that had no bones. I could have keeled over. I left furious and alarmed. What was I to do. My mission was accomplished that day. I had done discovery on the Open Meeting Law now for 5 years. Had captured 500 public hearings Press conferences and Events and had my evidentiary facts. No one was going to get anywhere without the law being changed to force them under the public record law.
My entry to the scene of the crime in 2004 was before my face. My stubborn resistance to let them extract me as non essential illegal media was in full display. I would now have to think about how to present this legally and defiantly to the full Legislative Branch. Oh wheels spun out of control that day. I got home on pure steam from the wind beneath my feet. I was livid. I was furious. I was not going to allow this to go on.
I got the idea genius attack. I would give them all a Pink Slip. I would write up objectives that would isolate the innocuous wretched misdeameanors of public scammers. They were definitely not meeting any of the disability milestones in the rooms. Sound Visibility Access Speech with microphones and proper amplification were never working properly. I would use that as my platform. I made up my objectives printed them up on a Pink Slip 8.5x11 and delivered them to every Rep and Senator in the place. On Oct 27 2010 I completed my mission.
On Dec 21 2010 in Peabody, in front of the Dist Court I fell. That fall changed my life. My session on Beacon Hill would stop . I was going to be operated on for 1st stage cancer. This year 2014 I am finally back in my ability to work a normal day. I have never ceased working on this project. I have never ceased pushing my self to the final goal. I have prayed many times about the meaning of this journey. Each time I am assisted in some way. So today I will leave you with a copy of the Pink Slip.
I forgot about that until last week changing banks for the project. I had thrown a bunch of docs in a pile to show the Banker on my efforts. In it was the pink slip. As I explained that I had given the Legislature a Pink Slip in October 2010 and fallen in Dec 2010 and only now was I able to really get back at it I was floored at what I read. Yes, they had met the objectives. Yes they had actually implemented the disability areas I had mentioned including an area for Press in the meeting rooms. I had covered a hearing recently and was not connecting the dots until I saw the pink slip copy I had this day. I had been effective. I had attained some pressure of change.
The only thing left was the public record law implementation on the Legislative Branch.
Please when you call your Reps and Senators, remind them of this. Tell them thank you for the accomplishment of meeting the meeting room objectives. However tell them that the key now is to focus on the integrity of accountability. They need to be under the open meeting law public record law. That will change Beacon Hill to be a Beacon of transparency. That is what we the people want. That is what I went to the hill to discover. That is the light at the end of the dark tunnel.
Help me launch the CPPR Archive Project. A Library resource of public works documents that are accessible to the pubic and historians to examine the works of our governance and improve that as needed with necessary proof in video capturing.
The Pink Slip
This week Jan 12 2014 there are two Court Cases you might want to watch.
The Buffer Zone Case SJC Massachusetts Jan 15 2014
Datillio Defenders of Women, Brockton District Court FEB 12 2014
Please visit my facebook for more posts that are newsworthy to cover and watch.
www.facebook.com/comflmregistrynews, also seems to be posting as www.facebook.com/catchofthedayvideonews, see that is in blue. Both were do able but it seems somethings are a changing.
Please stay tuned on Blip also www.comflmregistrynews.blip.tv, That site is up to 2010 and is my blotter of 650 videos covered during 2008-2010.
and here we have www.catchoftheday.blogspot.com,
Also, you can visit my original blotter website www.comflm.com,
That site is the record of all my originating efforts to capture Beacon Hill.
It also explains a lot of things a newbee might want to know about how to get known on Beacon Hill.
There are a ton of other links to my footage. If you start there you will find more.
www.cpprarchiveproject.wordpress.com, is the goal of all this work. Please visit that site and become familiar with sunshine laws and how to help me in Massachusetts.
Join the Registry as Press or send some money to help us launch this enormous project.
The Buffer Zone Case SJC Massachusetts Jan 15 2014
Datillio Defenders of Women, Brockton District Court FEB 12 2014
Please visit my facebook for more posts that are newsworthy to cover and watch.
www.facebook.com/comflmregistrynews, also seems to be posting as www.facebook.com/catchofthedayvideonews, see that is in blue. Both were do able but it seems somethings are a changing.
Please stay tuned on Blip also www.comflmregistrynews.blip.tv, That site is up to 2010 and is my blotter of 650 videos covered during 2008-2010.
and here we have www.catchoftheday.blogspot.com,
Also, you can visit my original blotter website www.comflm.com,
That site is the record of all my originating efforts to capture Beacon Hill.
It also explains a lot of things a newbee might want to know about how to get known on Beacon Hill.
There are a ton of other links to my footage. If you start there you will find more.
www.cpprarchiveproject.wordpress.com, is the goal of all this work. Please visit that site and become familiar with sunshine laws and how to help me in Massachusetts.
Join the Registry as Press or send some money to help us launch this enormous project.
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014 Let's start with a poem!
As a writer, videographer, I have an ongoing poetry book I have also been trying to publish for years. I find poems along my file purges and here is one I wrote in 2008.
I hope you will comment if you like this. I am not in the mood for those who don't. Sorry!
I hope you will comment if you like this. I am not in the mood for those who don't. Sorry!
Trying to understand my deep reactions to some dis communication strata, a poem fell into place ..we are a ball of inter action some coming in, some coming out.. all are part of the game called communication. some verbal.. some non verbal ..all has a sting.. every tiny piece of each of us tied up in language ..visual non verbal body language.. have you ever been there??? misunderstood again??? feeling perceptive discerning wounded and bleeding?? raw forsaken confused??? That is what the world calls love.. I call it lying.. cheating.. deceiving.. and most of all duplistic.. Lord deliver me until I really get it.. take the self deception mode imbedded under lying under pinning my soul and lead me home.. I am woman flesh ..I was meant to care.. that is all..
maybe women are more sensitive to this stuff than men ...but being a prophet (ess) also makes it harder to ignore the gut stuff..friendship is total honesty.. friend, a friend loveth at all times, your not fooling anyone .. got your their numbers.. thought I would see if I could be wrong....just once, I could say imagination is willy, it makes my world willy nilly, too bad..
never been blond ..never mind the dumb blond stuff.. won't exchange my integrity..
don't like games.. don't like bad jokes.. don't like phonies..I like clear running water.. see through souls and mystical goals.. sorry no soaps.. sensitive dope.. just being real is my greatest deal.. take it from me.. truth is not cheap..it hurts to love it, live it , keep it,
speak it and see it.. but it has great advantage.. you don't get illusive butterflies, you don't get treated unwisely, you have respect for the pure and pity for the liars.. you can smell a phony and feel an enchanter.. you can inspect the duplistic and respect the mystic.. you know when to start and when you can quit..no one has to tell you ..it hits like a brick..your face is a beacon.. your heart isn't leavin.. your just a poor prophet who endures one more beatin.. until the One sees from Heaven and He finishes.. fixes frustrates the meanin..confuses the enemy and says to you when your leavin.. take a hint..
guts are real.. some have them.. some use them.. some abuse them.. some loose them.. if you have them? guts are real... test your metal.. guts are steel.. when the fire hits, better watch.. guts are steel ..bent steel doesn't bend straight once it's cools crooked..
When we find ourselves in our own fire.. meltdown is bound to come.. we can smell the smoke burnin and it isn't long the flesh is screamin..
When we find ourselves in the Refiners Fire ...we're in a whole diferent pot of brew.. betta watch it, were cookin and the fires stewin. were up in our Father's kitchen rubbin elbows with the best.. but don't think the back stabbing turn on us thing, isn't workin.. as we'll sure find out if we miss our cuein.. we are on the wheel... the potters wheel and we flying fast in a broth of cast.. so one better think when the fire starts.. who made the earth and the King of Hearts.. we will not be long on the path to Glory.. if our testimony isn't Heavens story.. So the saying goes, if you can't take heat stay out of the kitchen and out of the way of the Glory burn.. For when He turns up the heat were soon gonna learn.. we didn't start the fi ah.. Be careful what you pray for.. God sees it all.. and He doesn't like winkin at stinkin sinnin..He is a fuller's soap and a Refiners Fire..be careful what you pray for.. today is the day of the Lord.. harden not your heart..
Come Holy Spirit, with your Holy Ghost Fire.. we need the Pentecost of Your Desire..
let truth come in and reign supreme.. we lay down the crowns, earthly kings and queens.
Come Lord Jesus, King of Kings.. Let your strange act begin.. overturn, overturn again.. Use us..
JAldrich Poetry 2008 copyrightsThursday, November 7, 2013
Ballots Undecided Still November 7 2013
WOW! Who would have known?
Amesbury? Republican Grey, vs Democrat.. Grey ahead 2 votes?
Will they count until the Democrat wins? You can be sure they don't want Amesbury to fall into the hands of a renegade Republican.
I say call in the Militia and watch stand guard and keep the faith.
Amesbury? Republican Grey, vs Democrat.. Grey ahead 2 votes?
Will they count until the Democrat wins? You can be sure they don't want Amesbury to fall into the hands of a renegade Republican.
I say call in the Militia and watch stand guard and keep the faith.
Press for Hire!
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Friday, July 5, 2013
Freedom Works has Glenn Beck on
https://live.freedomworks.org/?source=070513EST, If your up click this and get on ,,
Glenn talking about Singularity a time when machine and man merge. We are being watched flagged and stored at this event tonight.
Internet going off quite a bit.. I think it is bigger than weather. I think we have an extra planet in the mix giving us grief. We have a lot of slow moving stories going on.
When do we say enough? The line is the Constitution of the US. That is my right it keeps me free and others free and to speak our minds openly without being on a list.
Guaranteed by God himself. Yeah Beck. Gotcha on that one. Will we push back that is the point in this gathering. Secret Courts, decisions being made Supreme Court decisions and we don't know anything about them. Time to draw a land in the sand.
How do we do this?
I say we demand public record laws be established in every state. We put the Gov under their own inspections.
Glenn talking about Singularity a time when machine and man merge. We are being watched flagged and stored at this event tonight.
Internet going off quite a bit.. I think it is bigger than weather. I think we have an extra planet in the mix giving us grief. We have a lot of slow moving stories going on.
When do we say enough? The line is the Constitution of the US. That is my right it keeps me free and others free and to speak our minds openly without being on a list.
Guaranteed by God himself. Yeah Beck. Gotcha on that one. Will we push back that is the point in this gathering. Secret Courts, decisions being made Supreme Court decisions and we don't know anything about them. Time to draw a land in the sand.
How do we do this?
I say we demand public record laws be established in every state. We put the Gov under their own inspections.
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